Gym A gym tool Holochain Dev Workshops Playground Toggle darkmode

Requirements: Setup

  • Install nix-shell following these instructions.
    • If you want, setup your current terminal with nix with the instruction at the end of the output of this command.
  • Clone the repository for this workshop and cd into it:
git clone && cd workshop-chain-of-custody
  • Enter the nix-shell for the repository:
$(nix-build --no-link -A pkgs.holonix)/bin/holonix

That's it! Now you should have the holochain binary installed:

holochain --version

We recommend using VSCode with the rust-analyzer extension while coding rust.

Take into account that at this stage, only linux has solid support. Windows is not supported by nix, and MacOs can work but people have had some issues with it. To install with Windows, you can use WSL.

If you have some problems installing nix, you can try these solutions: